The Best Quilt Blanket Part One

As a quilt lover I can not fail to bring this incredible combo that will make you fall in love and want to produce all the models that I separated here. Today here at Patterns Here you will find the best quilt blanket models that will make you want to produce them right away!

I want to make it clear that the models are not in order from best to least best, if I may say so. But the truth is that each model here has a style, a shape, colors, but one thing is certain: they are all incredibly beautiful and perfect. There are models on this list perfect for the child’s room, perfect for the double room, perfect for the single room. It is incredible and I was really excited separating each model that is present here, so my advice for you now is: enjoy each one of them, enjoy and feel free because here you are at home.

Stars & Scraps Forever Quilt

To start our list of best quilt blankets we separated the Stars & Scraps Forever Quilt, it is a model that by its name says it all, it is a model full of stars and with colors so incredible that I found it so perfect. I confess that first hand I imagined that it would be perfect for a day near Christmas, due to all the color that ends up referring to it. But being very realistic, I would use this model every day in my blanket room, easily. Is that you? Anyway, I hope you like it and have fun with the pattern. Remembering, good luck!

Pattern/Image/Tutorial – Stars & Scraps Forever Quilt

Double Square Star Quilt

Pattern/Image/Tutorial – Double Square Star Quilt

You can already see that I am completely in love with star models, right? And this is real. The models that can use the stars well have a bigger space in my heart and I need to confess this to you. As much as this shape of the star is different from the model above, it is an incredible style and that manages in a way in its shape to have two stars, that’s why the double. The important thing is that he is simply beautiful and incredible, I am sure you will fall in love with this model. As I always speak here, good luck!

I Fall to Pieces Quilt

Pattern/Image/Tutorial – I Fall to Pieces Quilt

This is certainly among my favorite models, because I love strong colors with black together, I really think the most beautiful. Other than that, it’s still a model that has an incredibly perfect shape and technique that will teach you a lot. The details present in this model is something incredible and that when it is produced, you realize that it is much more than just a beautiful model. We hope you enjoy and enjoy it a lot, without forgetting our traditional good luck!

Palette Quilt

Pattern/Image/Tutorial – Palette Quilt

For lovers of cleaner and clearer models, the Pallete Quilt is the ideal and perfect model. Obviously, we cannot fail to take into account all tastes and styles, so I believe that this model manages to fit perfectly in different tastes due to the format, colors and fabrics used. A highlight of this model is the variety of fabrics used, which vary not only the prints but also the colors, different not? But too beautiful. Good luck!

Mosaic Courtyard Quilt

Pattern/Image/Tutorial – Mosaic Courtyard Quilt

This is definitely in my top 3 of the best quilt blanket models, being very honest with you. He is just perfect and even words are missing to describe how I think this model is amazing, how I think this model is beautiful! The fact of being passionate about mosaic models deserves a highlight and the super colorful colors, but well distributed with an incredible contrast gives a very nice charm to the model. I’m sure you won’t regret producing a model like this, so good luck!

Friendship Rings Quilt

Pattern/Image/Tutorial – Friendship Rings Quilt

Of the cleanest models, this is the one that most calls my attention, because it is very beautiful and the details are incredibly well made and well distributed. Realize that in addition to the colored part that has the shape of the flower and the geometric shape, the seam itself present in it forms exactly the same thing in the base that is all white, this is simply incredible and perfect. It is a charm and an elegance that is lacking even words to describe. Believe me, if you choose to produce this model you will not even regret it!

Camping Kids Quilt

Pattern/Image/Tutorial – Camping Kids Quilt

For those who wanted to produce an amazing child model and that is very, very cute this is the best model for sure. I wanted to produce this model for my niece anyway, but she still sleeps in the crib. But I couldn’t help sharing with you here, one thing is certain, the child’s room will be perfect and even more beautiful with this beautiful blanket. Remember that models like this are not only cool to decorate the room, but stimulate the child’s creativity and learning. Anyway, good luck!

Joyous Dream Quilt

Pattern/Image/Tutorial – Joyous Dream Quilt

To finish our list today, I separated this beautiful incredible model that will surely close with a golden key, a colorful model and that is based on a strong blue color is perfect to give a charm and a highlight to the room. A tip is to try to produce the cushions in the same way as the image above, they give an even greater prominence, but know that a model for sure you will not regret it. It is perfect and very beautiful! Good luck!

And so we closed the list of the best quilt blanket models part one today, I will definitely bring more, more ahead. But I’m sure today’s models will definitely help you and inspire you to produce beautiful models. I am very happy to have you here with us, I wish you good luck and that you can comment on what you think of these styles of posts. Here the house is really yours, Patterns Here is really different! Xoxo!

SEE TOO – Star Flower Quilt Pattern