Easy Ripple Afghan Crochet Pattern

I know I know. It was kind of lost around here, but now I’m back to share a crochet pattern so classic and elegant that I’m excited. I’m sure you will love this model and will enjoy every moment when producing it. I like what I say is simple but practical and beautiful. And this model represents exactly that!

You see, the Easy Ripple Afghan is just what I mentioned to you. An elegant, simple model that is easy to produce which allows anyone to be able to do it. If you, for example, are starting out in this crochet universe and want to produce a beautiful, elegant and simple model to practice, learning new techniques, this is an ideal and perfect model for that. I’m sure you will love it!

Pattern/Image/Tutorial – Easy Ripple Afghan Crochet Pattern

Of course when I found this model I needed to bring it, because I brought several styles of blanket around here with a very high level of complexity and technical level, so I really needed and owed a model of a level a little easier and more accessible to everyone. This is really important because if we stopped to analyze, by the way, when I stopped to analyze, I realized that Patterns Here was and has been my attempt to unite as a library where you find the main crochet, quilt and knitting models. Thus making life easier for those looking for models to produce and be inspired by.

I also know that being only at the beginning ends up not having so many models, but I confess that I’m excited with the amount of models that it currently has. They are beautiful, exclusive and often models that you can’t find so easily. Besides that, at least until today, all the models that I shared and decided to bring here are completely free. Which is even more amazing, isn’t it? Gathering models that are inspiring and still getting them for free is a source of great joy for me!

Well, this is one of the main reasons that made me bring and share with you each model spread around here. I always close and end posts talking about the importance of who visits here and who comments and lately you have been doing this with so much love and affection that I can only thank you a lot. Every person who comes, for a little time to comment and share their opinion, thank you for the pattern or even for Patterns Here, has no idea of ​​the joy and inspiration it gives me to keep bringing more and more models.

Know that in the end, as much as the intention was to be able to share with you and make your life easier by inspiring you with amazing models in one place, in the end, whoever is most inspired to be able to bring even more models is me by affection that you have created for me and Patterns Here. This is one of those models that reminded me of those who may not have such advanced technical knowledge and who are like me there at the beginning, looking for a beautiful, elegant and charming model, but with an ease to be able to produce and learn a lot.

I sincerely hope you enjoy this model, remembering that it is not because it is easy that someone with a higher knowledge will not find it interesting, believe me, all models have something amazing to teach us and this is a clear case of that. . So good luck in the production, so you can really have fun, be wise in choosing colors and enjoy the pattern. Thank you for being here again, believing in what I’m doing and share the site with your friends, it helps a lot! See you next time, xoxo!


SEE TOO – Better Together Afghan Crochet Pattern