Modern Workshop Quilt Pattern

I need to be very honest with all of you who are visiting Patterns Here for the first time: I welcome you very much and I sincerely hope that you love what I have been sharing here and that you feel as much joy to see them as I have been doing. this daily with you. It’s a privilege for me to have you here and I hope you feel at ease around here.

And I feel even more motivated when I find models like Modern Workshop to share with you, a model that as its name says modern, which has beautiful colors, well distributed fabrics and allows you to sew any way you want, giving an effect whatever you want. This is very nice to find, because few models have such freedom today when finding a pattern on the internet, isn’t it?

Pattern/Image/Tutorial – Modern Workshop Quilt Pattern

Another point that I found incredible about this model is the colors, I must confess to you that it has already become part of the Patterns Here family, I always say that the models that have colors and a dark background are beautiful and amazing, but the clean models are also so elegant that I am completely torn at these times. I don’t know if that happens to you, but my taste changes depending on my mood and the weather. I realize that depending on how the day goes, I wake up loving the colors and end up loving darker color models, is it like that with you by any chance?

Or maybe I really am very different? I ask this because I feel that depending on the day my mood and taste are very different. Today I’m completely in love with clean models, with well defined colors, well made models and incredible stitching and maybe that’s why the Modern Workshop caught my attention, but this is real. I really hope that at least someone identifies with this so I don’t come off as a stranger. LOL

Of course the Modern Workshop is perhaps a point outside the curve, but even a simple model like this manages to do the attention-grabbing and standout job so well done that I was really blown away. Something I realize is that when you do something with love, the result cannot be different: it will work and it will be a success. And yes, I know it needs to be done well, it needs to be in good color, and yes it is a combination of things, but let’s face it, isn’t it different when we take something made with love?

I remember all the times I go to lunch at a restaurant and compare it to Mom’s food. It’s so different isn’t it? In the end, Mom’s food even being much simpler most of the time ends up drawing attention and conquering us because we know it was made with love. That’s exactly what I feel in art too. When a designer makes his models with love and this is not only exclusive to the quilt, it is used for crochet, knitting, music and movies/theatres. Realize that we can actually feel the passion when it’s transmitted, that’s why I comment on that here.

This is one of my goals here when I share the models with you, I hope you feel this passion I have for crafts and that you leave here excited to produce a next model, to create and be bold. If at least one of you who visit me daily here feel that way, it was worth all the effort and dedication I’ve had with Patterns Here. That’s why I always say that you should leave your comments or get in touch through the page above, whenever you have a suggestion or even a criticism to improve our beloved space.

So feel free here, if it’s your first time I hope you feel at home, that you can also get to know the other categories I’ve shared around here, meet the countless quilt models I’ve made around here and who knows you find even more than you were looking for, it would be amazing, right? So that’s it for today guys, I hope you like the Modern Workshop Quilt and enjoy. Use and abuse the model, enjoy the pattern and have a lot of fun producing it. Remember to wear beautiful colors and let boldness and creativity take over, right? Xoxo!


SEE TOO – Binding Tool Star Quilt Pattern