Feathered Stars Quilt Pattern
Finding quilt models with stars is perhaps the easiest style to find on the internet, now, finding quilt models with stars, but different and charming, this is something very difficult and today I decided to try you exactly for the model I separated to be sharing with you today.
Feathered Stars is precisely this style that I mentioned above, because maybe the stars in quilt models are in fact the easiest styles to find around the internet, at least that’s my feeling and right here in Patterns Here going to the category of quilt above you will find several. Which in fact shows that the stars are loved by designers and I confess that by me too.

Now what is difficult is to find a model that is different from what we are used to seeing, a model that goes out of the ordinary, a model that surprises, a model that innovates. And when I found Feathered Stars that was exactly my feeling and my pleasure to bring it here. I confess that initially I looked several times to really understand what was done in this model and what made it so special, it was until I got the pattern to be able to visualize how well it was produced and I saw even more the difference in this style.
It’s not news to anyone that there are thousands of star shapes out there, I’ve even brought you their meaning in another quilt star model. But this model here is surprising because it manages to develop very well what appears to be a snowflake, but at the same time several stars in a single model, isn’t it true? Of course, this model will require advanced knowledge from you and me to be producing, which can hinder you if you are a beginner and are just discovering the techniques and practices of quilt now, but remember that at least it’s worth it. take a look at the format!
I usually say that when I share a pattern with you here, I’m not only sharing a style so you can learn and grow in the quilting world, but I also learn a lot, even if it’s with patterns I don’t think about producing. . That’s because by sharing it with you, I have the experience of reading or watching the pattern, I have the experience of looking for images and models to give you inspiration and believe me, it ends up bringing even more knowledge to me and inspiration. In other words, we all came out winning on this one. Amazing isn’t it?
I want to say to you too that you have advanced knowledge and will produce this amazing model, that you can really enjoy and have fun producing. Believe it or not, but crafts in general have a power to transform our health, so it’s worth it for you to always enjoy whatever model you produce, with joy and pleasure. I remember seeing that crafts in general have the power to help people with alzheimers, help people who suffer from Parkinson’s disease, that’s because the movements end up helping our brain a lot to record some movements and also record the tutorial. And I love that about what we do.
Do you realize that crafts are not just linked to a job? But is it linked to something much bigger and that’s why it ends up growing more and more from generation to generation? In a natural way, mothers end up passing on the knowledge to their daughters and so on, and more and more people have learned and developed the craft. And it should be a pleasure for you and me to be a part of it, that’s why I talk so much about having fun doing it. We always need to keep in our mind, however hard we work with it, that craft is something good, fun, that changes lives both in health and financially. I’m sure by doing this we’ll look at everything in a different way!
But that’s it guys, that’s it for today. I hope you like Feathered Stars a lot, remember that this model is something unique and exclusive, I really hope you have fun producing and that you can also share Patterns Here with your friends and acquaintances, it helps a lot in making our community grows. See you next time, xoxo!